Friday, May 13, 2005

RE: what a month so far

What a month so far. I can't seem to get anything going in the right direction in either business or socaily. Maybe I'm pressing to hard in both. I'll just lay back and see what happens. I made a big step by putting my picture ala femme mode on a couple of different sites. I'm not hiding my desire anymore. It truly not the picture I would like to post. I'm for the natural looking type. But I need more practice in that area. I would love to find a friend you truly understand were I'm coming from and help learn to dress that way. Again I just wait to see what happens. I have to add two new woman to my TG Hall of fame. That my friend Lady Di..she is so encouraging and now living the role in real life. The other is my friend Amy ....she as well is living the life fulltime. They are both true role models for the one still somewhat in the closet. I have never meet them in person but have chatted and exchange emails with both. I look forward to hearing from them and learning from them as well. They are younger than me but have taken on the fights that I just dream about. You both go girls!!
In the meantime the world is going to hell in a hand basket. The politics in this country are getting scarery everday. Let hope in 2006 this country will stop this ride to the extreme right. I don't know how many of you listen to Air America on the radio but you can stream it on your computer as well. Listen people. The city of Detroit what a good comedy Kawmi has made it. Mayor Hip Hop.....give me a break. He a kid running a major city. Until the next time. Peace. I want to wish my another one of my hall of famer Denise from Ann Arbor who getting her SRS this month from Dr.Bower. Enjoy the ride. She really one neat woman ....I owe her a couple of drinks if she'll ever meet me for them!

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