Thursday, September 21, 2006

George Allen Is Not Jewish

This creeps us out on so many levels. The audience booing the very idea of Senator Macaca maybe being Jewish (or the audacity of asking him about it). And George Allen — whose mother was, yes, of the prosperous and well-known Jewish Lumbroso family — clearly so shocked — shocked! — at the question that he can’t bring himself to just fucking say “yes, my mom was a Jew, that’s why I bring up the fact that my grandfather was in a fucking concentration camp.” No, instead he suddenly (and temporarily, one presumes) becomes a First Amendment absolutist of a stripe we’ve never seen before: one who takes “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof” to mean “the press doesn’t have a right to ask me if anyone in my family was ever a member of the Tribe in front of my milky-white constituents.”


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't this guy amazing? He panders to the hate groups, many of whom hate Jewish people, and now we discover that he has a Jewish background. I find him to be one of the most duplicitous people on Capitol Hill, a place that specializes in duplicity. Will the real George Allen please stand up. What amazes me is that now some of our notoriously conservative press are trying to demonize the reporter who asked the question. More duplicity. The press is trying to spin this around so many times, no one will know the truth. Sounds like something Karl Rove would think up.