Knollenberg Votes To Allow Horse Slaughter for Consumption
JordanLFW Fri Sep 08, 2006 at 16:59:02 PM EDT
(Don't eat me Willllbur!!! From the diaries - promoted by matt)Yesterday the house
passed a bill banning the slaughter of horses for human consumption. Horses…for human consumption. One of the 146 votes against the bill came from Michigan Republican Joe Knollenberg.
No wonder the Humane Society gave Knollenberg a
0% report card last year. Even Bill Frist got a 20%, and George Felix Allen got 40%. What does it take to get a 0?
Sure we’ve heard the Knollenberg kicks puppies jokes…but eating horses? Come on Joe.
Knollenberg also got
0% ratings from the Childrens Defense Fund and Alliance for Retired Americans. Letting down animals, children, and seniors...who can count on Joe Knollenberg? Big business.
Joe received a 100% rating from the Business and Industry PAC.