Thursday, January 27, 2005

RE: Keep the pressure on

Well I haven't written here in a while. I was little depress about the election. I stared my morning getting out of bed hearing on the radio that Michigan is the leading the country in the highest unemployment rate. Then I go to my office and put on MSNBC to see my main man the grump Don Imus tell everybody that over 30 soldiers died in helicopter crash in Iraq. If you think that situation is going to getting better well pass me one as well so I can take a good toke. Then I heard the W. press conference and you say to yourself he must be living in Disneyland and what world is he living in. I started my year out with my annual present from Michigan Blue Cross and Blue Shield a 10% plus increase. Also I went to 2 funeral in one day at the same place and both these people where at my 50th birthday party. My they have peace in the after world . And now Johnny Carson. All 3 of these people where classic people and all meant something to me. As I get older I realize your health and mental well being are the most important thing to preserve for yourself. But I'm still One Mad Jewish TransLesbian. When I see injustice it make me mad and I got to speak up. Their is only one bush I like that why I'm lesbian as well. We got to keep the pressure on these Bushie people because sooner hopefully not later they will screw up. Let me know what you think. I guess this more political than about transgender problems. But don't they go hand in hand? Just go download Lola by the Kinks and enjoy your life. Until next time. Peace.

1 comment:

DeniseUMLaw said...

How can you NOT love that song! Politics and transgenderism *do* go hand-in-hand, at least as far as the idea of acceptance and tolerance for others. I don't see GW having a lot of that. Still, it serves nothing for me to complain about him all the time. I turn now to what I can do. Nice to see you posting again!